Daniela´s Art Gallery


For this project, I used only watercolor in my sketchbook. I decided to use watercolors because we had practiced with them a lot in class. In addition, I though it would be nice to paint an animal like the grizzly bear with this material because of the tezture you can obtain in the bear's coat. The goal of this drawing was to try to show the feeling of the animal through its eyes, that is why i chose a light color such as blue; to give them more deepness. THe different tones are an effect of the light and shadows the bear receives which watercolors help obtaining.
Even though this drawing did not take me as much time as the others, I put a lot of effort into it. I also think I was able to accomplish my goal in a satisfactory manner to me. My strengths in this project were that I am very good at drawing things in pencil after I have seen a model. The major weakness I found while working was that the paints had to be applied carefully, because otherwise the paper became too wet.


In this project I also decided to portray an animal in watercolors. However, this time I chose a bigger challenge because the animal I portrayed had a wide variety of colors and a clear light and shadow contrast. The lion has alwas been an impressive figure to me, so by hiding half of it in the dark, I hoped to produce a misterious and bizarre image. My main goal was to keep the paper as dry as possible because the excess of water can definitively ruin everything. For this project I also looked at a real life picture as a guide to place the facial features correctly.
Although this sketch is not a masterpiece of any kind, I do think it denotes all my hard work and dedication. I took about an hour and a hafl to get it done in order to show all the details I saw in the original picture. My strenghts were that the paint gave life to the mane and eyes of the lion. However, it ran of a little bit around the mouth and nose, making those sections blurry. Drawing and painting can be a great pleasure when you portray something you really like as it gives you a real motivation to do your best.


In this last project I also used watercolors in my sketchbook because I realized I had become pretty much efficient with them. I decided to paint a wolf because it is my favorite animal and its grey color not only shows coldness but also a free spirit behind its eyes. My main goal in all these projects was to capture the animals' emotion through their eyes and take advantage of the color mixture to produce the correct shading and tones. Another thing I was trying to achieve was to make the painting as serious as possible, so I stuck to white, black and grey colors with an exception of the eyes. To make the first sketch of the wolf and paint over it, I used pencil.
In this last project, which was also my last sketch for the year, I took more time in painting than in the bear because I wanted to make it as realistic as I could. When I look at this image I think that it is a competent work for a beginner in watercolors and I would like to keep practicing in order to te better at it. My strenghts were that I had already gained much experience at working with this material in bond paper, so the paint did not run off and wet spots could not be seen. The main weakness or problem I encountered was that I only had two colors to work with, so I had to pay close attention to the shadows and the features. I enjoyed this preject a lot due to the eagerness I had to see it finished.